Whoa. That is one poorly constructed sentence up there. Anyway.
Do you know about Etsy? If not, hightail thee over there and check it out. It's an awesome online marketplace for individuals to hawk their handmade wares. I've purchased many a Christmas present there and it's great for browsing and generally wasting oodles of time looking at pretty, shiny stuff.
In the next week or two, I will be debuting Sparrow Song Designs, a place for me to display and hopefully sell my handmade jewelry and a few other accessory-type things. I've been working on building up my inventory and last night, I coerced my poor husband into taking some photos for me. Who knew jewelry photography would be so frustrating? Methinks I am going to need to get some handy display paraphernalia before I can actually launch the site. But here's a wee little view of one piece that will be featured.

As soon as we get the whole display/photography thing hammered out, I'll be debuting the shop, to much hoopla and fanfare. (Actually, probably to NO hoopla, maybe a tiny bit of fanfare.) I'll be featuring individual pieces here as well. Hope to see you over there!
That is really pretty!!!